ProbesTools is an open access project that publishes all of its research. This development library contains all of the alternative and legacy versions of TaskCams and VisionCams that have been produced during the project, available for those who would like to explore and develop their own ProbeTools and for those maintaining older devices.
We encourage others to adopt and use our design however any usage or altered usage should be clearly and appropriately credited with Interaction Research Studio acknowledgments in compliance with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
TaskCam Development Library
The current TaskCam uses second generation hardware based on our TaskCam Arduino Shield. Previous versions are TaskCam are documented here and available to everyone to download and modify. Although these designs and hardware have been superseded, they are archived here for the curious and those maintaining legacy TaskCams.
In addition, we have also added some alternative designs for TaskCam 2.0. Some of these are more developed than others and so each design contains a description of the intended usage and details of any known issues.
VisionCam Development Library
Compact VisionCam and VisionCam Tall are fully developed 3D printed casings for Raspberry Pi based ProbeTool cameras, however there were many other ideas and configurations were explored during the design process that are available here for everyone to download, modify and build. These designs are not quite perfect but form the starting point for others to use and improve upon either as ProbeTools or simply as housings for Raspberry Pi cameras. Each design features a description of intended usage and details of any known issues.